November 2024: D Melling & S Jones

Here Comes the Sun

Date & Time: Tuesday 12 November 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation - via zoom or in the room

Speaker: Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator, Victorian Trades Hall Council & Shannon Jones, Programs and Priority Populations Manager, SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria

Topic: Here comes the sun

Summer brings with it increased risk of skin cancer, heat exhaustion and heat stroke in the workplace.
This session will raise awareness of risks from exposure to heat, and discuss the roles and requirements of employers and employees in dealing with these.
General dangers from working in high temperatures, both indoors and outdoors, will be discussed by Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator at Victorian Trades Hall Council.....Read more

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 11 November 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the November Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



October 2024: Daryan Rosic

Workplace mental health research findings

Date & Time: Tuesday 8 October 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation - via zoom or in the room

Speaker: Daryan Rosic, Mental Health Programs and Initiatives Specialist, Allianz Insurance Australia

Topic: Workplace mental health research findings

Workplace mental health research findings
Research findings on the state of mental health in Australian workplaces will be discussed on October 8 by psychologist Daryan Rosic, Mental Health Programs and Initiatives Specialist at Allianz Insurance Australia. His talk will draw on several years of external research by Allianz, surveying over 12,000 employees and managers.

Daryan says today’s workforce is experiencing a profound shift towards greater diversity, due to globalisation, changing social dynamics and more inclusive hiring practices...Read more

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 7 October 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the October Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



September 2024: David Caple

What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas

Date & Time: Tuesday 10 September 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation - via zoom or in the room

Speaker: David Caple AM, David Caple & Associates

Topic: What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas

Our popular annual speaker David Caple, fresh back from the International Ergonomics Association Congress in Korea, will give an update to CSG on 10 September on emerging issues in ergonomics, followed by some interesting local case studies.
The first case study is about the risk of heavy paint cans to store staff and customers. This has resulted in changes to the industry, but there are further findings from an industry review related to lighter weight cans.
This will be followed by case studies related to reviews and solutions for occupational violence for frontline staff in public spaces.....Read more...

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 9 September 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the September Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



August 2024: Phil Dwyer & Carly Chambers

Safety beyond city limits

Date & Time: Tuesday 13 August 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in the room

Speakers: Phil Dwyer & Carly Chambers, OHS Officers, South West Institute of TAFE

Topic: Safety beyond city limits

How do you keep in contact with safety colleagues and issues out in the country? Phil Dwyer, from regional Warrnambool in Victoria, will give us an insight into this on 13 August when he talks about regional safety networks and his own job as OHS Officer - Audit, Risk and Compliance, at multi-campus South West Institute of TAFE.
Phil is a keen member of safety networking groups: Warrnambool Area of Safety and Health Group (WASH Group) and the TAFE Safety Network Group that covers Victoria. He is also a member of Central Safety Group...Read more...

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 13 May 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the August Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



July 2024: Melbourne & Olympic Parks

Site Visit: Melbourne & Olympic Parks

Date & Time: Tuesday 9 July 2024, noon

Location: Melbourne & Olympic Parks

Host: Scott McMillan, Director of Safety, Melbourne & Olympic Parks

How: In-person attendance only.
Non-Members welcome to attend

Enjoy the chance to see inside the safety systems of some of Melbourne’s biggest event and sporting venues with Scott McMillan, Director of Safety at Melbourne & Olympic Parks on 9 July.
Melbourne & Olympic Parks (M&OP) is home to seven national, elite sporting teams and welcomes millions of visitors annually. The precinct is acclaimed for hosting the Australian Open, a range of sporting codes, as well as top international acts and musicians.
On the site visit, Scott will show the safety side of what goes into putting on some of its main sporting events. This includes discussing the challenge of providing safe delivery, in a short time frame and on a very large scale. Read more...

Safety, Melbourne & Olympic Parks

Note: RSVP by close of business Friday 5 July 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the July Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



June 2024: James Wood

How storytelling connects to safety

Date & Time: Tuesday 11 June 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in the room

Speaker: James Wood, Director, cnb safe

Topic: How storytelling connects to safety

James Wood ('Woody') had a job he loved and a great future as a diesel mechanic on mine sites. That was lost in a split second with an accident that left him in a wheelchair. Now he works hard to keep others safe.
On 11 June Woody will share with CSG his special insights and experience on how to get the safety message across from the workshop floor to the Board room.Read more...


Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 10 June 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the June Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



May 2024: WorkSafe Victoria

Psychological health & safety at work

Date & Time: Tuesday 14 May 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in the room

Speaker: WorkSafe Victoria

Topic: Psychological Health & Safety at Work

Come along to a special event on 14 May with 3 in-person presenters from WorkSafe Victoria, including an Inspector, on the topic of health & psychological safety.

Any worker experiencing unsafe work is a matter of concern for all – employees, employers, insurers, and regulators. So what are some practical approaches companies can take to prevent mental injuries and create safe and mentally healthy workplaces?Read more...

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 13 May 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the May Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



Congratulations Frank Mistretta

New Life Member

At Central Safety Group's AGM on 12th February 2024, we were delighted to confer Life Membership on Frank Mistretta.

Frank joined Central Safety Group in 1980 and is proud to have maintained that membership continuously until today. He served on the Committee from 1980 to 1990 and was President from 1988 to 1989.

As President, Frank produced the first newsletter as a means of improving communication to members. This set the ball rolling for future innovations, including Kevin Jones’ excellent Safety Central newsletter that was emailed to members, and the eventual creation of the website, our greatest asset.

Zoom attendees acknowledge F.Mistretta(1)When we were collating information about the history of CSG to celebrate our 60th anniversary, Frank sent us some gems, including about his own history in safety:

"I started at Red Tulip Chocolates in the late seventies as a Payroll Manager. In 1980, I provided management with a proposal to computerise the company’s payroll (2000+ employees) and costing system, which would commence showing a profit to the organisation within 12 months by making five positions redundant, including my own. This was approved and implemented, allowing me to take on the new position of Productivity/Safety Coordinator. My boss, the Personnel Manager, made membership of Central Safety Group mandatory and part of my position description.

"By 1984 I was Group Occupational Health & Safety Manager. That year Beatrice Foods Pty Ltd (the second largest corporation in America and owner of Red Tulip Chocolates) requested I attend a productivity improvement conference in Los Angeles, and then do a two-week study tour of the major companies owned by Beatrice Foods to learn about Productivity Improvement, Teams and Safety.

"I attended my first meeting of Central Safety Group at the Belvedere Motel in Church Street, Richmond. When the motel closed in the mid-1980s, CSG moved to the North Melbourne Football Club in Arden St, North Melbourne, to continue their monthly Tuesday meetings. The group has had several meeting sites since then.

"I can recall that, during the early years of my membership, it was a tradition at the Christmas meeting and lunch that members would donate a gift for the Christmas hamper for each member to take away on the day. Working at Red Tulip Chocolates, I would bring packets of ‘After Dinner Mints’.

"The other significant event I recall was the annual ‘Apprentice Safety Day’ with speakers (mainly members) on all things Safety. The members not only delivered the information and training sessions (3 or 4 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon), but also helped with the preparation and correction of the papers completed by the apprentices in attendance. In my early years on the committee, we would have close to three hundred, if not more, apprentices attending on the day, and it was fantastic to see the number of female apprentices’ attendance grow each year."

Frank Mistretta with fellow Life members(1)Frank’s long career in safety has included almost 15 years leading the Risk Management team for the City of Darebin, before utilising his knowledge and skills across a number of different sectors. He also runs his own Risk Management consultancy, FM Risk Management.

Frank is a Fellow of the Safety Institute of Australia and a Certified Practising Risk Manager.

Frank has always been a committed member of our group and, in the words of Kevin Jones, “an unwavering support of OHS professionals who joined CSG.  He provided the CSG meetings with an important local government perspective, in particular.”

He is indeed a worthy recipient of this honour.

April 2024: Troy Winn

Troy Winn

Date & Time: Tuesday 9 April 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in the room

Speaker: Troy Winn, WHS Manager, Simonds Homes

Topic: A visual approach to inductions

A visual approach to inductions
How do you move safety induction online yet keep it alive? Troy Winn will talk about how he met that challenge in a presentation on Tuesday, 9 April.
Troy, who is WHS Manager for the Simonds Group, recently completed a Masters in Ergonomics, Safety and Health at La Trobe University in Melbourne. His presentation is based on research he did in the Advanced Practice Stream as part of his postgraduate degree.
Working in the construction industry, Troy and his safety team were often investing several hours a week delivering safety inductions to site supervisors before they commenced a job. A high turnover of people and projects on sites made this a demanding commitment. Read more...

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 8 April 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the April Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.



March 2024: Kevin Jones

Kevin Jones

Date & Time: Tuesday 12 March 2024, noon

CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation ~via zoom or in the room

Speaker: Kevin Jones, Editor, SafetyAtWorkBlog

Topic: Emerging OHS challenges

Some of the hot topics in OHS at the moment are not directly about work health and safety. You can find out more on Tuesday 12 March 2024 when Kevin Jones will be discussing what’s new, what’s getting attention, and some of the latest and re-emerging challenges in OHS.

His talk will include comments, and recommendations of books on issues including work psychology; the management of time; suicide; troublemakers; corporate values and leadership.
The presentation will be followed by a question and discussion session.

About the speaker:

Kevin Jones is a consultant and advisor in a wide range of OHS projects.

He is internationally recognised for his commentary and analysis on safety-related matters in his popular award-winning SafetyAtWorkBlog (

Kevin is a Life Member of Central Safety Group.

Event Flyer - Print version

Note: RSVP by close of business Monday 8 March 2024.  When booking, please ensure you select the March Event from the dropdown list (shaded orange), to RSVP.


Relax at Sunshine Motor Inn

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Central Safety Group acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we meet and work. We pay our respects to all First Nations people, and to their elders past and present.
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