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OHS Laws
CSG September 2011 Presenter: Steve Baltas, Manager, Strategic Policy-National OHS Reform, WorkSafe Victoria

Update On The Harmonisation Of Health And Safety Law

Presentation by: Steve Baltas, Manager, Strategic Policy-National OHS Reform, WorkSafe Victoria

Presentation package now available (members only)

The Model Work Health and Safety Bill is still on schedule to become law in all States, Territories and the Commonwealth by 1 January 2012. Steve Baltas, Manager, Strategic Policy–National OHS Reform for WorkSafe Victoria, gave an update on its progress to Central Safety Group on 9 September 2010.
While the WHS Act is significantly consistent with the Vic OHS Act, there are a number of key changes, which Steve outlined, along with some outstanding issues in the Model Act still to be addressed.
He also discussed the development of national Regulations and Codes of Practice, the drafts of which will be released for public comment. Finally, he provided a timeline for all work to be completed to ensure a commencement date of January 1, 2012. It is an ambitious project.

The presenter:

Steve Baltas has been with WorkSafe Victoria for the last 11 years, working in management roles in the fields of strategic policy and safety reform. At the beginning of 2010 he was appointed one of 4 directors of the National Health and Safety Reform Division to support the Health and Safety Business Unit, which is undergoing extensive restructuring, and to develop and implement a business plan for 2010/11. Most recently he has been involved with leading and directing all the activities of a multi-disciplinary Strategic policy team to support Victoria’s role in the national OHS reform process established by COAG in 2008.

CSG October 2010 Presenter: Russ Porteous, CEO, Maintenance Essentials

Demystifying fire & essential safety measures compliance in Victoria

Presentation by: Russ Porteous, CEO, Maintenance Essentials

Presentation package now available (members only)

All owners and occupiers of buildings and places of public entertainment have extensive obligations under the Building Regulations (Vic) 2006 in relation to essential safety measures At his presentation to Central Safety Group on 12 October 2010, Russ Porteous, CEO of Maintenance Essentials, provided a guide to navigating these obligations.
He gave information both for the preparation of an annual essential safety measures report and for building owners to satisfy themselves that essential safety measures are being maintained properly. This included a 9-point checklist that he said would help building owners & agents sleep at night.

The presenter:

Over the last 20 Years, Russ Porteous has worked with the ‘big guns’ in the fire protection industry, multinationals such as Wormald and Tyco, honing his skills in fire safety, building design, sales, communication, marketing and technology. In 2001, Russ seized an opportunity to start a new venture, Maintenance Essentials, and bring together a team of competent professionals to this fire protection consultancy. With a head office in Melbourne, Maintenance Essentials provides strategic fire protection services to commercial, government, residential, healthcare and other properties throughout Victoria.

Health Hazards
of Sedentary
CSG September 2010 Presenter: Associate Professor David Dunstan, Head - Physical Activity, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute

Health Hazards of Sedentary Behaviour

Presentation by: Associate Professor David Dunstan, Head - Physical Activity, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute

Presentation package now available (members only)

The public health recommendation that people spend at least 30 minutes a day in moderate to vigorous exercise was released in 1996. This was against a social background of a high level of daily physical activity compared to work today. The health consequences of this decline in activity were discussed by Associate Professor David Dunstan from the Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute at Central Safety Group's meeting on 14 September 2010.
David cited a number of recent studies, which show that the magnitude of chronic diseases and poor health among working Australians, together with emerging evidence that sitting time increases risk, highlight the need for increased focus and resources to understand better the potential hazards of prolonged sitting in the workplace. David also gave some recommendations for incorporating more movement into one's daily working life.

The presenter:

Professor David Dunstan is Head of the Physical Activity Laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne. He is also Adjunct Professor at the ECU Health and Wellness Institute, Edith Cowan University and a Public Health Research Fellow with the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth). Prior to this he spent 5 years at the International Diabetes Institute, where he began as Director of Physical Activity Programs and Research, before becoming a Research Fellow. In 2007, he won the Young Tall Poppy Science Award (Victoria) from the Australian Institute of Policy and Science, which recognises the achievements of Australia's outstanding young scientific researchers

CSG August 2010 Presenter: Kevin Jones, Author,

Communicating safety through modern technology

Presentation by: Kevin Jones, Author,

Presentation package now available (members only)

The advent of the internet and social media means that there is now a myriad way to communicate to the world, whether for good or ill. For safety professionals, it offers a whole new way to circulate worthwhile safety messages. Kevin Jones, author & blogger at guided us through this new landscape at Central Safety Group's meeting 10 August 2010.
Kevin analysed a number of platforms and gave tips on how to ensure your safety messages are noticed, as well as how to identify credible websites and blogs. Kevin’s own blog has been operating for 2.5 years and attracts up to 18,000 readers a month. He noted that social media can never diminish the advantages of the type of face-to-face meeting offered by Central Safety Group.

The presenter:

Kevin Jones has been a consultant, writer and commentator on OHS matters for many years, and is a Life Member of Central Safety Group. He is well known for his award-winning, as well as a podcast series of interviews with leading safety experts at

CSG July 2010 Presenter: Professor David Caple,  OHS Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University, David Caple & Associates

Occupational violence – what is happening in the workplaces that interface with the public?

Presentation by: Professor David Caple, OHS Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University, David Caple & Associates

Presentation package now available (members only)

Occupational violence is a major OHS risk in a number of occupations where staff interfaces with the public. These include corrective services, hospitals, banks and disability services. At Central Safety Group's meeting on 13 July 2010, Professor David Caple discussed this growing problem and the circumstances in which it can occur.
He also spoke in detail about interventions, primarily in relation to workplace design. To illustrate this, he shared a range of such interventions from a project he undertook with the Department of Justice in their Justice Service Centres. Finally, he outlined some strategies to support staff should a violent incident occur.

The presenter:

Professor David Caple, who has a background as an ergonomist, has been a leading figure in occupational health and safety in Australia for many years. He has advised a wide range of businesses, industry groups and public sector organisations and worked with Australian and overseas governments on work health and safety strategy. He is an OHS consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University.

Systems &
CSG June 2010 Presenter: Terry Dold, Davis Langdon Certification Services

Management Systems & Assessments

Presentation by: Terry Dold, Certification Manager, Davis Langdon Certification Services

Presentation package now available (members only)

According to AS/NZS 4801:2001, there are many reasons why organisations implement an Occupational Health & Safety Management System, including legal imperatives, ethical concerns, industrial relations considerations and to improve financial performance. Implementation of an effective OHSMS should, however, primarily lead to a reduction of workplace illness and injury.
Terry Dold, Certification Manager at Davis Langdon Certification Services discussed the AS/NZS 4801:2001 model at Central Safety Group's meeting on 8 June 2010, and how certification can contribute to the success of an OHSMS. He explained the difference between accreditation and certification and gave a detailed account of the certification process.

The presenter:

Terry Dold has 20+ years experience as Insurance Premium Auditor and Safety Inspector in the USA, prior to moving to Australia in 2002. as I am now auditing Management Systems for a JAS-ANZ accredited Certification Body. He has been Certification Manager at Davis Langdon Certification Services since 2006, where he specialises in Management System development & implementation; 3rd Party Certification audits for Quality (9001), Safety (4801/18001) & Environment (14001) and 2nd Party Audits for supply chain verification.

the Workplace
of the Future
CSG May 2010 Presentation: Valerie Mack, Workplace Designer, Woods Bagot

The break-out zone and the workplace of the future


    Valerie Mack, Workplace Designer, Woods Bagot
    Chris Correll, Sales Manager Victoria, Corporate Culture Australia

Presentation package now available (members only)

Office settings have changed a great deal over the last 100 years. Where once the focus of offices was on processes, now there is much more collaborative work, and technological innovations have meant that office work can be done almost anywhere.
Valerie Mack, Workplace Designer at Woods Bagot & Chris Correll, Sales Manager Victoria for Corporate Culture Australia, presented their vision for offices of the future at Central Safety Group's meeting on 11 May, 2010.
Valerie spoke about the Woods Bagot approach, which involves a team of specialists, including an ergonomist, ecological sustainable development consultant and acoustic consultant when designing an office. Consultation with staff is also key.
Chris & Valerie showed many examples of new design ideas to make workplaces more flexible, comfortable and people-focused.

CSG March 2010 Presentation: Kelvin Blackney, Chairman, Safety Institute of Australia (Geelong Branch):Community Fire Safety – it is happening

Community Fire Safety – it is happening

Presentation by: Kelvin Blackney, Chairman, Safety Institute of Australia (Geelong Branch)

Presentation package now available (members only)

Kelvin Blackney's experience as a firefighter in the 1969 Lara fires, which destroyed 44 homes, made him determined to set up an effective community-based fire property preparation system. At Central Safety Group's meeting on 16 March 2010, Kelvin shared the 4-step process he has developed for any community or workplace to use to prepare for bushfire or wildfire attacks.
There was no powerpoint presentation to accompany this talk, but in the meantime, Kelvin has written a submission to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission on behalf of the Safety Institute of Australia, in which he describes his 4-step community plan in detail. It is attached here for members to view.

The presenter:

Kelvin Blackney joined the Lara Rural Fire Brigade in the 1960s. In 1993 he received the Community Individual award at the Victorian Fire Awareness Awards. As chairman of the Safety Institute of Australia (Geelong Branch), he became aware in 2001 of a culture improvement process called Values-Driven Safety (VDS) and introduced the concepts into the construction industry. He also believes it has a place in Community Fire Safety culture. He is a Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers and a Registered Safety Professional.


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What's New
in Ergonomics
–Here & Overseas

CSG September 2024 event - David Caple AM, David Caple & Associates, What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas

What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas

Presented by: David Caple AM, David Caple & Associates
Topic: What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas

How: CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in person

Date: Tuesday 10 September 2024, noon
Non-Members welcome to attend

What's new in ergonomics – here and overseas
Our popular annual speaker David Caple, fresh back from the International Ergonomics Association Congress in Korea, will give an update to CSG on 10 September on emerging issues in ergonomics, followed by some interesting local case studies.
The first case study is about the risk of heavy paint cans to store staff and customers. This has resulted in changes to the industry, but there are further findings from an industry review related to lighter weight cans.
This will be followed by case studies related to reviews and solutions for occupational violence for frontline staff in public spaces.
David will also discuss a new publication he launched at the Congress, a resource for business leaders Giving your business the human factors edge… Making it Happen! David is a co-author alongside Karen Lange-Morales (Colombia) and Andrew S. Imada (USA).

About the Speakers:

Professor David Caple AM is a leading figure in occupational health and safety here and overseas. He is a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) in Australia, UK, and USA.
He has advised a wide range of businesses, industry groups and public sector organisations and worked with Australian and overseas governments on work health and safety strategy. He was involved in the development of legislation relating to the prevention of MSD for the Australian government and led multiple industry-based MSD prevention projects.
David was the 16th President of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2006-2009 and represented the IEA at conferences and meetings in 30 countries.
He has spent 40 years as an OHS consultant, and was Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University for the last 20 years.

Date: Tuesday 10 September 2024
Time: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Where: Regus Yarra Room, 50th floor, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne. Our thanks to Helen O'Keefe for providing the venue.
How: In person or online via Zoom - the link will be sent out on the afternoon of Monday 9 September
N.B. A video recording of the session will be available on the website exclusively for financial members.
Cost: Financial members* free. Others $15
RSVP: COB Monday 9 September 2024. Online using our RSVP form
Join: Join CSG now [Individual membership fee: $85.]
*If unsure of your membership status, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   RSVP: by Monday 9 September.
Online using our RSVP form or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone the secretary T: (03) 9387 9768 Mobile 0417 040 252
The Zoom event link will be emailed on the afternoon of Monday 9 September 2024.

Don’t forget to put every second Tuesday from February to December in your Calendar!

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