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Construction Safety
during the
CSG November 2018 Presenter: Greg Splatt

Construction Safety During the Boom

Presentation by: Greg Splatt

Presentation package now available (members only)

Throughout Australia there is unprecedented growth in all areas of construction – commercial, civil and residential. This boom has created issues relating to knowledge, skills and competencies needed at all levels of the construction workforce.
The issue of safety in this climate was discussed by Greg Splatt, a construction safety manager and trainer, in a lunchtime presentation for Central safety Group on 13 November.
Greg said that many people are coming into the industry with the promise of long-term work, long hours and good pay packets. But without the necessary industry experiences and know-how, what risk do they present on job sites? Challenges with safety understanding and experience can also exist at supervisor and manager level.
Greg also spoke extensively about his experiences with the unique OHS challenges during extensive construction rebuilds after major events such as cyclones and bushfires.

The presenter:

Greg Splatt has spent many years as a Safety Manager in the construction industry, and is also a trainer in various OHS courses with the Master Builders Association. He has experience in all areas of construction and is an experienced safety systems auditor and incident investigator. Prior to working in OHS, Greg was a detective in the Victorian Police Force.

Fresh Look
at Safety
CSG October 2018 Presenter: Dr Ross Donohue, Senior Lecturer, Monash University

A Fresh Look at Safety Inspections

Presentation by: Dr Ross Donohue, Senior Lecturer, Monash University

Presentation package now available (members only)

There has been surprisingly little research done on how inspectors assess health and safety in workplaces. Although the inspectors’ task is grounded in rules and regulations, there are few standardised measures to assist them.
Dr Ross Donohue, our speaker on 9 October, has done ground-breaking work on this. He shared his research findings with us and outlined the 7-item generic OHS metric checklist he developed as a result of this research, in order to create a standardised tool to assist inspectors.
Ross also talked about the need for developing measures and training to assist OHS inspectors to assess psycho-social risk.

The presenter:

Dr Ross Donohue, Senior Lecturer, Monash University. Dr Ross Donohue works in the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University as a Senior Lecturer. He is currently working on a program to improve the training, competency assessment and development of safety inspectors. His other work includes developing a competency-based framework and continuing professional development program for OHS regulators.

CSG September 2018 Presentation: Professor David Caple, OHS consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University

Sit to Stand Desks – What’s the verdict?

Presentation by: Professor David Caple AM, OHS Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University, David Caple & Associates

Presentation package now available (members only)

Many organisations have invested in sit-stand desks in response to experts’ claims about the benefits, ranging from reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes to solving back pain.
Professor David Caple discussed the latest knowledge on the effectiveness of sit-stand desks and issues surrounding their use on 11 September, 2019 in a lunchtime talk to Central Safety Group.
David recently presented two papers on this topic at the International Ergonomics Association Congress in Florence, Italy in August. He was part of a group of 16 presenters from around the world sharing the latest research relating to sit to stand desks.
There can be confusion about how much to use these desks while working, and whether a certain duration or pattern of standing should be prescribed. David spoke about a range of factors that can affect how successful these desks are in the workplace, including the change management process, job design, employee education and work culture.

The presenter:

Professor David Caple, who has a background as an ergonomist, has been a leading figure in occupational health and safety in Australia for many years. He has advised a wide range of businesses, industry groups and public sector organisations, and worked with Australian and overseas governments on work health and safety strategy. He is an OHS consultant and Adjunct Professor, Centre for Ergonomics & Human Factors, La Trobe University. David was awarded the AM – Member of the Order of Australia – in the 2018 Queens Birthday Honours list. The honour is in recognition of his “significant service to community health through workplace health and safety reforms and ergonomic policy development."

CSG August 2018 Presenter: John Naughton

Taming Contractor Management

Presentation by: John Naughton

Presentation package now available (members only)

Contractor management is one of the most challenging areas of safety risk management. Contractor management systems can be onerous and complicated, leaving gaps when it comes to covering business and compliance requirements.
John Naughton and his team tackled this problem and transformed contractor management while he was Director of HSE at a major food company, and he shared his experiences at the August meeting of Central Safety Group.
He described the journey from a manual spreadsheet-based contractor management system to an easy-to-manage, efficient and flexible system embracing modern technology. This change also brought crucial new dimensions and features to the company’s system for managing contractors, and significantly, reduced administrative time and costs.

The presenter:

John Naughton has over 20 years’ experience designing, implementing and managing safety and environmental management systems for large companies. In his recent role as Director of HSE at George Weston Foods, he was responsible for a team of over 50 HSE professionals in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. Prior to that he was National SH&E Manager for the Baking Division of Goodman Fielder.

A WorkSafe
-Eye View
CSG July 2018 Presenter: Les Cameron, WorkSafe Inspector, WorkSafe Victoria

A WorkSafe Inspector’s-eye view

Presentation by: Les Cameron, WorkSafe Inspector, WorkSafe Victoria

Things have been happening at WorkSafe Victoria, including the relocation this year of its head office along with several hundred roles from Melbourne CBD to Geelong.
This and other current changes, projects and priorities at WorkSafe were outlined by seasoned WorkSafe Inspector Les Cameron in a lunchtime presentation on 10 July.
Les shared his experiences of working on the front line and discussed incidents and some new intervention programs now being tested.

The presenter:

Les Cameron has spent over 20 years with WorkSafe as a dangerous goods and general inspector. He has also taught OHS/WHS for 10 years at Victoria University and Kangan Tafe. Before that he was with the Board of Works and Melbourne Water in a range of roles, including deep sewer maintenance and Training and Rescue special operations. He has also worked as an occupational diver. Les started work as a young teenager in the wool and mining industries in the NT, and went on to “railways, skinning rabbits and roofing” before he settled into a career in safety and related areas.

The State
of OHS in
CSG June 2018 Presenter: Barry Naismith

The State of OHS in Victoria

Presentation by: Barry Naismith

Presentation package now available (members only)

What do the latest data and developments tell us about the current state of OHS in Victoria? Barry Naismith, who has done a keen-eyed independent analysis, shared his conclusions at the Central Safety Group lunch meeting on 12 June.
Barry was a consultant with the Victorian WorkCover Authority (now WorkSafe) for 14 years. Since then he has produced a number of independent reports into the operations and performance of WorkSafe Victoria.
He has just concluded his latest report, based on 2017, and discussed his findings and spell out some trends and predictions that are likely to be of interest to those working in OHS in Victoria.
To quote leading blogger Kevin Jones, “This level of analysis and interpretation is rarely available outside of formal academic research, and Naismith provides the all-important social and political context from which much academic occupational health and safety (OHS) research shies.” Questions, opinions and comments from the audience were welcomed.

The presenter:

Before a career in OHS, Barry Naismith worked as a journalist and editor. He spent more than 14 years with the Victorian WorkCover Authority and then worked independently as an OHS consultant. Recently this led to a position with Uniting Victoria, working on a program to reduce the impact of work harms on the community. Barry has qualifications in science from Melbourne University and media studies from RMIT.

and the
Big Cats
CSG May 2018 Presenter: Jason Hensel, Senior Advisor, Health and Safety, Zoos Victoria

Safety and The Big Cats

Presentation by: ason Hensel, Senior Advisor, Health and Safety, Zoos Victoria

Presentation package now available (members only)

Injuries and fatalities from contact between people and animals are known to be a high risk in zoos worldwide.
At Zoos Victoria a special program for working with dangerous animals is being supported by Jason Hensel, Senior Advisor, Health and Safety, who gave a presentation on this subject to Central Safety Group on 8 May.
Jason discussed how he has drawn on safety programs from a number of industries to develop effective and consistent controls for the safe keeping of all animals likely to endanger human life, known as Category 1 Animals.
Melbourne Zoo has 20 species of animal that fall into this category – ranging from the big cats to gorillas, hippopotamuses and African wild dogs. Jason has been working on risk assessments and safety systems for each of these, taking into account physical, mechanical, animal behaviour and human factors.
This initiative is part of Zoos Victoria’s aim to become a world leader in zoo safety. Zoos around the world put a sharp spotlight on safety following incidents such as a child falling into a gorilla exhibit at Cincinnati Zoo and the death of a keeper at New Zealand’s Hamilton Zoo.

The presenter:

Jason Hensel has been in his present role with Zoos Victoria since 2016. Before that, he worked in safety roles with Veolia Environmental Services and in OHS, process improvement and project management roles with Visy Industries. He began his career as an electrical engineer with Southcorp Packaging, having graduated in this field from RMIT. He also has an Advanced Diploma in HS&E from RMIT.

Reducing Manual
CSG April 2018 Presenter: Conor Healy, Manager, Work Health and Safety, Jetstar Australia New Zealand

Reducing Manual Handling Injuries

Presentation by: Conor Healy, Manager, Work Health and Safety, Jetstar Australia New Zealand

Presentation package now available (members only)

Manual handling injuries are some of the most common and costly injuries in the workplace.
An account of how Jetstar Airways reduced these injuries by 40% was shared by Conor Healy, Manager, Work Health and Safety, Jetstar Australia New Zealand in a lunchtime presentation on 10 April.
Baggage handlers, cabin crews and engineering workshop teams all do a lot of manual handling at Jetstar, which now has 7,000 employees and is one of the world’s fastest growing airlines.
Conor developed a multi-pronged program to reduce manual handling injuries and the risk of musculoskeletal disorders for employees working in body stressing environments. In two years he has found that the program has already made a significant difference.
He discussed this program and what the airline is doing to continue to gain improvements in this area.

The presenter:

Conor Healy has been Manager, Work Health and Safety, Jetstar Australia New Zealand for three years. His background includes significant experience in areas ranging from transport with London Underground, defence with BAE Systems to logistics with Toll and working with aerospace organisations. He is a graduate of the University of Westminster in the UK and has attained an MBA in Strategy.

ISO 45001
is here -
What Now?
CSG March 2018 Presenter: Kevin Jones, Editor, SafetAtWorkBlog

ISO 45001 is here – what now?

Presentation by: Kevin Jones, Editor, SafetyAtWorkBlog

Presentation package now available (members only)

The new international standard for OHS Management Systems – ISO 45001 – has been finalised and was published the day before Kevin’s presentation on 13 March. Kevin Jones has been following the evolution of this new Standard closely and considering its implications for Australia. He provided his perspective on ISO 45001 and how it could fit with your safety management systems.
Many are claiming this Standard is a “game changer”. Kevin believes it’s not, but it is important and it does include support for some of the OHS Principles which are now considered essential for effective safety and health management. He reviewed these features as well as providing a handout that summarised the different sections, comparing the new standard against AS4801 & OHSAS 18001.

The presenter:

Kevin Jones is well known for his award-winning SafetyAtWorkBlog. He has been a consultant, writer and commentator on OHS matters for many years, and recently launched a podcast series of interviews with leading safety experts (

Conditions &
Return to Work
CSG February 2018 Presenter: Frank Imbesi, Managing Director, AMS Consulting

Mental-Psychological Conditions & Return to Work

Presentation by: Frank Imbesi, Managing Director, AMS Consulting

Presentation package now available (members only)

Return to work for people who have suffered workplace psychological injury or illness can be a complicated and challenging process.
The best-practice approach and potential problems when helping employees recovering from mental health issues was discussed by Frank Imbesi, Managing Director of AMS Consulting, an occupational rehabilitation company.
This area is of special interest to Frank, who has been working in in the field of return-to-work planning, management and support for many years. He said that a lot is known about rehabilitation and return to work after physical injury, but far less about how to help people recovering from events or situations in the workplace that led to mental injury.
There has been a recent increase in the reporting and acceptance of mental injury conditions and claims, which has found many employers unsure and unprepared when it comes to dealing with the challenges of rehabilitation and preventing recurrence of the problem. Frank outlined a number of ways to assist employers with these challenges.

The presenter:

Frank Imbesi is Managing Director of AMS Consulting, a multi- award-wining company specialising in health and wellbeing, injury prevention, injury management, return to work consulting and human factors analysis . He began his career as a physiotherapist, working in sports medicine and clinical private practice, before moving to the field of occupational rehabilitation. Frank has consulted and presented to national and large state based employers, Scheme Agents and universities in the areas of occupational rehabilitation and best practice return to work following occupational injury. Frank has been a university lecturer and has presented in the areas of occupational injury management and best practice RTW over many years and on behalf of VWA. He has also presented at numerous conferences. He was on the organising committee for the international forum on disability management in 2014. Frank was a member of the VWA Clinical Panel providing specialist advice in the area of occupational rehabilitation peer review for the duration of the program. Frank was the recipient of the National Outstanding Achievement in RTW Award in 2017. He has also been a judge for the Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association Awards.


Next Event


the Sun

CSG November 2024 event - Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator, Victorian Trades Hall Council & Shannon Jones, Programs and Priority Populations Manager, SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria, Here comes the sun

Here comes the sun

Presented by: Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator, Victorian Trades Hall Council & Shannon Jones, Programs and Priority Populations Manager, SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria.
Topic: Here comes the sun

How: CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in person

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024, noon
Non-Members welcome to attend

Here comes the sun
Summer brings with it increased risk of skin cancer, heat exhaustion and heat stroke in the workplace.
This session will raise awareness of risks from exposure to heat, and discuss the roles and requirements of employers and employees in dealing with these.
General dangers from working in high temperatures, both indoors and outdoors, will be discussed by Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator at Victorian Trades Hall Council.
Skin cancer awareness and prevention will be discussed by Shannon Jones, Programs and Priority Populations Manager, SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria.
Both speakers will show what employers need to be aware of and actions required to avoid harm to workers.

About the Speakers:

Dominic Melling, OHS Unit Coordinator, Victorian Trades Hall Council Dominic Melling serves as the Lead Organiser of the OHS Team at the Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC). In this role Dominic collaborates with affiliated unions to advocate for safer workplaces and enhanced conditions for workers.
He plays a crucial role as a liaison between WorkSafe and union affiliates to ensure that union priorities are raised and handled collectively.
Dominic and his team are instrumental in the development and delivery of resources for HSRs, including the weekly newsletter Safety Net, an email advice line Ask Renata, organising the annual HSR Conference and creating innovative tools.
Dominic is also a committee member of Central Safety Group.

Shannon Jones, Programs and Priority Populations Manager, SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria Shannon Jones is the Programs and Priority Populations Manager at SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria where she is responsible for the overall management of the SunSmart Program.
Shannon works directly with schools, early childhood, the health workforce and workplaces to improve the prevention and early detection of skin cancer in the Victorian population.
Before joining Sunsmart 15 years ago, Shannon had a background in corporate health, health promotion and education.
She has a Bachelor of Applied Science (Health Promotion) from Deakin University and is doing postgraduate studies in Public Health at Monash University.

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024
Time: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Where: Regus Yarra Room, 50th floor, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne. Our thanks to Helen O'Keefe for providing the venue.
How: In person or online via Zoom - the link will be sent out on the afternoon of Monday 11 November
N.B. A video recording of the session will be available on the website exclusively for financial members.
Cost: Financial members* free. Others $15
RSVP: COB Monday 11 November 2024. Online using our RSVP form
Join: Join CSG now [Individual membership fee: $85.]
*If unsure of your membership status, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   RSVP: by Monday 11 November.
Online using our RSVP form or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone the secretary T: (03) 9387 9768 Mobile 0417 040 252
The Zoom event link will be emailed on the afternoon of Monday 11 November 2024.

Don’t forget to put every second Tuesday from February to December in your Calendar!

Relax at Sunshine Motor Inn

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