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5 Top Tips for
CSG November 2022 speaker: Ross Macfarlane: 5 top tips for successful auditing

Five top tips for successful auditing

Presentation by: Ross Macfarlane, Director, RM The Risk Manager

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

Ross Macfarlane has extensive experience conducting successful OHS audits for a wide range of companies and organisations. Since 2008 he has conducted over 1,000 audits and has an audit log of over 1,350 days. Based on this wealth of experience, Ross shared his top 5 tips for a successful audit program in a lunchtime Zoom talk on 8 November.

Ross discussed how to develop and implement an audit schedule based on risk and then how to plan and prepare for the audit itself. Other topics covered were: putting auditees at ease during interviews, the rules of evidence, and strategies for corrective actions that actually work.

The presenter:

Ross Macfarlane is a highly experienced consultant and auditor who has conducted external and internal audits for a number of JAS-ANZ accredited certification bodies. Ross has assisted many organisations achieve and maintain certification to occupational health and safety, environment and quality management standards. He has also assisted them whilst undergoing internal and external audits, and has helped them to improve their safety performance and business effectiveness. Prior to forming his own business RM The Risk Manager, Ross spent 14 years with Castrol and BP in roles that included HSSEQ Manager, and Project and Plant manager. He has a Bachelor of Applied Science from Melbourne University, and other qualifications including a Diploma of OHS and SAI Global courses in auditing.

CSG October 2022 Hosted by: David Caple AM. Speakers: Dr Narelle Beer, ED WorkSafe Victoria and Barry Naismith

CSG 60th Anniversary Celebration Lunch


    Dr Narelle Beer, Executive Director, Health and Safety, WorkSafe Victoria
    Barry Naismith, Director, OHS Intros

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

For those who missed it, or others who would like to re-live this special occasion, we have produced a memorable package. There were a few technical challenges on the day, including our original plan for filming the speakers. However, our wonderful secretary Heather Turner saved the day by filming it with her phone and, while it will not be nominated for an Academy Award, it certainly captures the atmosphere well.

There were so many highlights of the day, not least of which was having David Caple AM as MC for the event. He features at the beginning of the video, along with President Nan Austin.

We were honoured to have Dr Narelle Beer from WorkSafe Victoria attend and give the keynote address. She had some very interesting things to say about future developments in OHS in Victoria. The transcript of her speech is available as part of this package. We also welcomed Narelle's commitment on behalf of WorkSafe Victoria to maintaining ties with our group.

Barry Naismith was our second speaker and gave a fascinating overview of the history of OHS in Victoria; his presentation slides are also included. Finally, our longest-serving president, Ollie Matthews, was honoured for his 22 years of service to the group (1998-2022).

A photo gallery of the event completes our package. (Members, go to Event video description and click on the photo-video icon, 1st icon shown, to view the Photo gallery.)

The presenter:

Narelle Beer commenced her role with WorkSafe Victoria in November 2021. It has enabled her to focus on enhancing workplace safety and embedding harm reduction processes, opportunities and strategies through engagement, education, compliance and enforcement. Prior to that, Narelle spent more than 35 years serving the community: 5 years as Assistant Commissioner, Regional and Remote Operations, with the Northern Territory Police, preceded by 30 years as a member of Victoria Police. Narelle has worked in criminal, corruption and collision investigations, education and in corporate/policy departments. She has managed and led a number of taskforces into corruption within Victoria Police. Narelle has undertaken extensive postgraduate study and been awarded a number of scholarships, which have enabled her to travel widely. This includes a Churchill Fellowship in 2013 to undertake specialist training in integrity testing and corruption investigations in the UK and USA. In 2008, Narelle was awarded the Vincent Fairfax Fellowship for Ethical Leadership.

The presenter:

Barry Naismith spent more than 14 years with the Victorian WorkCover Authority before working independently as an OHS consultant. This currently includes working with Uniting Victoria on a program to reduce the impact of work harms on the community. Barry has qualifications in science from Melbourne University and media studies from RMIT as well as practical qualifications in OHS/HSR. He has worked previously as a journalist and editor.

Small Companies
with High

CSG September 2022 speaker: Ben Thomson: Small Companies with High Risks

When a company is small and risks are high

Presentation by: Ben Thomson, Safety Manager, Flight Academy Australia (FAA)

Presentation package now available (members only)

Aviation demands particularly sound safety management systems and behaviours. Ben Thomson, Safety Manager for Flight Academy Australia (FAA), a light aircraft pilot training business, faces special challenges with instructors and students from a wide range of backgrounds.

In a zoom talk to Central Safety Group on 13 September, Ben discussed his approach and actions that could be applied equally to other small companies wanting to refresh and strengthen their safety management systems.

Ben found it was important to customise and go beyond the safety templates provided by CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority), thereby creating safety management systems with performance indicators and responses tailored to his workplace. “We’ve changed the way we look at safety – we’re now more action-oriented and proactive,” he explained. “For example, teaching people to report incidents that they’d otherwise regard as routine. This is giving me useful data to measure what’s working.”

He also spoke about a range of OHS issues that can be problematic for small businesses, including the loss of ‘safety corporate memory’ when people leave.

The presenter:

Ben Thomson has been an aviation safety manager for the last four years and a flight instructor since 2015. He holds a Commercial Pilot License, Multi-engine Aeroplane Rating, Instrument Rating and Flight Instructor Rating, with training approvals for airline cadet training. He has trained a wide variety of students from basic flight sequences to airline cadet training in multi-engine aircraft. His role includes developing company safety policy and objectives, developing and monitoring safety performance objectives, managing aviation fatigue management and safety management systems, and investigating incidents. He is also involved in the writing of aviation operations manuals and flight training syllabi. Prior to becoming a pilot, Ben worked as a public servant, including as a data analyst for the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and in the Planning Decisions Unit for the Greater London Authority.


CSG August 2022 speaker: Phil Lovelock: OHS and Social Sustainability

OHS and social sustainability

Presentation by: Phil Lovelock, Senior Health, Safety and Wellbeing Consultant and Policy Advisor, VCCI

Presentation package now available (members only)

As the concept of social sustainability becomes more important, businesses and organisations are treating people more as an asset to be valued and looked after. How can OHS practitioners support their businesses in building and maintaining social sustainability? Phil Lovelock had some answers when he presented a model for doing this in a CSG lunchtime Zoom talk on 9th August.

He outlined a 5-point action plan with elements that reflect the growth and maturity of OHS as a profession. It covered people, workplace environment, systems, the organisation and external stakeholders. It is a new, broader approach to the OHS role that would be useful for anyone facing this challenge.

The presenter:

Phil Lovelock currently provides OHS and Workers’ Compensation training and consulting for Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) members and clients. He also represents VCCI on various WorkSafe Victoria Stakeholder Reference Groups and on other key industry forums and committees. Before joining VCCI in 2008, Phil spent many years as an occupational health and safety professional across a broad range of industries. He was Manager, Health, Safety & Environment for CSL Behring Ltd with responsibility for three Victorian and four Interstate sites. Prior to that, he spent a number of years providing training and consulting services to commercial and government organisations in the Northern Territory. Phil is a past President of the Australian Institute of Health & Safety (AIHS) and of the International Network of Safety and Health Professional Organisations (INSHPO). He holds both a Bachelors degree in Occupational Health & Environment and a Masters degree in Occupational Hygiene from the University of Western Sydney, along with several graduate diplomas.

Return to Work –
What research
Is telling us
CSG July 2022 presentation: Dr Carys Chan: Return to Work – What research is telling us

Return to Work – What research is telling us

Presentation by: Dr Carys Chan, Research Fellow, Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, Griffith University

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

What are the psychological effects of workplace injury? How can an understanding of this help employers support workers’ return to work? Research findings on this were discussed in a presentation to Central Safety Group on 12 July by Dr Carys Chan of Griffith University, one of the authors of a recent paper commissioned by Safe Work Australia.

The aim was to advance knowledge and generate recommendations for Safe Work Australia’s National Return to Work Strategy 2020-2030. Safe Work Australia develops national policy to improve WHS and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia.

Carys and her team of fellow researchers did a detailed investigation of both published scientific literature and current organisational practices regarding employees’ psychological responses to injuries and illnesses resulting in an absence from work. The paper on their findings was published last year.

Her presentation highlighted the main findings on the types and prevalence of psychological reactions by workers, who have sustained an injury or illness. She discussed what can increase the risk of these reactions, as well as practical processes employers can put in place to support workers in this situation.

The presenter:

Dr Carys Chan holds a PhD in Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources from the ANU and is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW) at Griffith University, Brisbane. Carys is also a Senior Lecturer in Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour at the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources (ERHR) within Griffith University. Her research interests include work-life balance, flexible/remote working, self-efficacy, work-related stress and burnout, and leader–subordinate interactions. Alongside her research, she teaches postgraduate and undergraduate courses at the interface of business and psychology.

OHS without
Borders -

CSG June 2022 presentation: Jason Green: OHS without borders – helping overseas

OHS without borders – helping overseas

Presentation by: Jason Green, President, Australian branch , Workplace Health Without Borders

Presentation package now available (members only)

There are 3 billion workers in the world - and around 2 billion of them work in unhealthy and unsafe conditions. Millions die each year from workplace causes, and hundreds of millions are incapacitated by occupational injuries and disease.

If you want an opportunity to make a difference, we now have an Australian branch of Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB), which is seeking members and volunteers.
Jason Green, President of the Australian branch, spoke at a Central Safety Group lunchtime presentation on 14 June about the work done by WHWB around the world in countries where help is needed to create healthier and safer workplaces.

He discussed what the Australian branch is doing, and how people can support its existing programs. There is also a need to develop further projects, potentially in countries in the Pacific region.

The presenter:

Jason Green has over 27 years’ experience in the health, safety and environment fields in a variety of industries including construction, property, industrial, utilities, health, mining, education and consulting. He is currently a Principal Consultant with Greencap in Sydney as a specialist in occupational hygiene. Jason is a Certified Occupational Hygienist (COH)® and Full Member of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygiene (AIOH). He holds a science degree and a master’s degree in Occupational Hygiene Practice.

CSG May 2022 presentation: Keith Govias: Ethics in Safety

Ethics in Safety

Presentation by: Keith Govias, Principal Consultant, Workplace Risk, Gallagher

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

As an OHS practitioner, how important is it to have an ethical approach in your role? And what is involved? This was the topic of Keith Govias' presentation to Central Safety Group on Tuesday, 10 May.

Keith is the first OHS professional to become a Vincent Fairfax Fellow in Ethical Leadership, and is also a peer-reviewer of the Ethics and Professional Practice chapter for the Body of Knowledge produced by the Australian Institute of Health and Safety.

Keith discussed the ethical challenges in our profession and how an ethical framework can be applied to OHS decision making, performance measurement, injury management and other areas, and gave examples from his own professional experience.

The ethics section in the Body of Knowledge was also discussed (

Following the presentation, Keith welcomed questions and discussion.

The presenter:

Keith Govias has been a Principal Consultant with the Gallagher Risk Advisory Team for the last two years, specialising in Safety Systems and Workplace Culture programs. Prior to that, his background included managing safety, worker compensation and public liability for some of Australia’s most iconic brands including Myer, The Reject Shop and Kraft Foods. Keith sits on a number of Regulatory reference panels advising on policy and legislative change. He is the current Chair of the Australian Retail Association WorkWell Mental Health intervention into prevention of occupational violence. He is also the recently retired Chair of the Health Benefits of Good Work Signatory Steering Group. He holds a Masters in Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OHSE) Management from Australian Catholic University, a Graduate Certificate in OHS Management from RMIT and a B.A. from La Trobe University.


Psychological hazards regulatory approaches

Presentation by: Tracey Browne, Manager - National Safety & Workers' Compensation Policy and Membership Services, Australian Industry Group

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

Victoria has developed draft regulations for psychological health, and work is happening at the national level to develop Model WHS Regulations on this topic. What responsibilities will employers have under this new legislation? How might it affect the workplace? Will it have an impact on workers compensation?

These and other issues were discussed in a zoom presentation to Central Safety Group on 12 April by Tracey Browne, Manager, National Safety & Workers' Compensation Policy and Membership Services at Australian Industry Group (Ai Group).

Tracey represents peak national employer organisation Ai Group on a working group reviewing WorkSafe Victoria’s proposed OHS Amendment (Psychological Health) Regulations, which were released for public comment that closed on 31 March 2022. Tracey also represents industry as a member of Safe Work Australia, who are developing the Model Regulations and supporting Code of Practice.

The new WorkSafe regulations reflect the existing requirement in the Act to manage both physical and psychological health and safety. WorkSafe considers that they will provide clearer guidance to employers on their obligations to protect workers better from mental injury.

After her presentation Tracey invited questions and discussion.

The presenter:

Tracey Browne joined the national employers’ representative Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) in 2001. She has been their Manager of National Safety & Workers' Compensation Policy and Membership Services for the past 14 years. Tracey’s role includes representing employer views and interests to governments, regulators and other relevant bodies, when legislative and policy changes are being considered. She is also responsible for information, advice and training in relation to safety and workers' compensation for Ai Group membership and staff. Before joining AiG, Tracey worked in OHS and workers compensation roles in industry and lectured on safety and workers compensation at Ballarat University.

Role of the
OHS Professional

The Changing Role of the OHS Professional

Presentation by: Pam Pryor AO, Manager OHS BoK Development, Australian Institute of Health and Safety

Presentation package now available (members only)

OHS is now suffering from 'disciplinary ambiguity' according to a recent international study. Pam Pryor, Manager OHS Body of Knowledge Development for the Australian Institute of Health and Safety, discussed this as well as other changes affecting the OHS profession at a zoom lunchtime presentation for Central Safety Group on 8 March.

These changes include the COVID-19 pandemic opening new ground on workplace safety, the growing discussions around psychological health and safety, and the fact that many OHS professionals now include ‘wellness’ as part of their role. Pam discussed how all of these highlight the lack of clarity around the role of the generalist OHS Professional. She also illustrated this with some interactive online polling of the participants.

Pam offered insights and perspectives on the current status of the generalist OHS professional in Australia, why it is now seen to be in some respects an ‘emerging profession’, and where it is headed.

The presenter:

Pam Pryor is an internationally recognised specialist in OHS capability and related aspects of OHS professionality. She is currently responsible for the development and ongoing maintenance of the Australian OHS Body of Knowledge (BoK). Bok is the collective works developed by a range of specialists that informs OHS education, certification and further development of OHS professionals. (See Her work with the International Network of Safety and Health Professionals developing the OHS Professional Capability Framework earned Pam the 2017-18 President’s Award from the American Society of Safety Professionals. In 2018 she was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia for her contribution to OHS Professionals, through her leadership and advisory roles, particularly in developing standards for education frameworks.

on OHS
CSG February 2022 presentation: Kevin Jones: New Perspectives on OHS

New Perspectives on OHS

Presentation by: Kevin Jones, Editor, SafetyAtWorkBlog

CSG event video now available (members only)
Presentation package now available (members only)

Kevin Jones challenged his audience with new perspectives on very topical issues for OHS professionals at a lunchtime presentation to CSG on Tuesday 8 February.
He also discussed some of the latest ideas and information he has found in recently-published books by leading OHS experts, economists and political scientists in Australia and elsewhere.
Topics included the bystander effect, workplace mental health, ethical socialism, ‘dirty work’ and more, all of which had relevance to OHS.

The presenter:

Kevin Jones is well known for his award-winning SafetyAtWorkBlog ( He has been a consultant, writer and commentator on OHS matters for many years. Kevin recently undertook some legal professional privilege work in Victoria and Darwin while working full time on a rail construction project. He is also a Life Member of Central Safety Group.


Next Event



CSG February 2025 event - DHelen O’Keefe, Director, HOK Talent Solutions, OHS employment trends

OHS employment trends

Presented by: Helen O’Keefe, Director, HOK Talent Solutions.
Topic: OHS employment trends

How: CSG Hybrid Lunchtime Presentation -via zoom or in person

Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025, noon
Non-Members welcome to attend

OHS employment trends
We are privileged once again to have Helen O'Keefe share her knowledge and advice about the latest employment trends in the OHS sector at our first event for 2025.
This will be of particular interest to our cohort, who no longer remain with an organisation for their entire career. Rather there is considerable movement between roles and industries, due to the transferable skills of the OHS professional. This presentation will show the scope of what's out there and how best to navigate it.
As Managing Director of HOK Talent Solutions, Helen specialises in health and safety recruitment, which is why her insights are so valuable. Her knowledge is backed up by comprehensive analysis of the Australian health and safety job market that allows Helen and her team to identify the underlying factors influencing OHS employment trends.
Helen’s presentation will include an opportunity for discussion, so whether you're an employer or a job seeker, bring along your questions and make the most of Helen's expertise.
The presentation will be followed by the 2024 AGM for Financial Members.

About the Speaker:

Helen O’Keefe is the founder of HOK Talent Solutions, which celebrates 10 years of dedicated service to the OHS community in 2025. Operating Australia-wide, Helen manages recruitment assignments across various sectors and her passion for the health and safety industry stems from her extensive experience in the field - from both a recruitment perspective and having worked alongside OHS peers in her earlier career.
Prior to establishing HOK Talent Solutions, Helen held the position of National Recruitment Manager at the Australian Red Cross and served as an HR Manager for the pharmaceutical company Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK).

Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Time: 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Where: Regus Yarra Room, 50th floor, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne. Our thanks to Helen O'Keefe for providing the venue.
How: In person or online via Zoom - the link will be sent out on the afternoon of Monday 11 November
N.B. A video recording of the session will be available on the website exclusively for financial members.
Cost: Financial members* free. Others $15
RSVP: COB Monday 10 February 2025. Online using our RSVP form
Join: Join CSG now [Individual membership fee: $85.]
*If unsure of your membership status, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   RSVP: by Monday 10 February.
Online using our RSVP form or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone the secretary T: (03) 9387 9768 Mobile 0417 040 252
The Zoom event link will be emailed on the afternoon of Monday 10 February 2025.

Don’t forget to put every second Tuesday from February to December in your Calendar!

Relax at Sunshine Motor Inn

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