Speaker: Helen O’Keefe, Director, HOK Talent Solutions
OHS employment trends
It is becoming a fixture on the CSG calendar to have Helen O'Keefe present at our February event and what a popular speaker she is. Her succinct and informative insights into OHS employment trends are always of interest and a great way to kick off the year ahead.
Helen began by reviewing where the jobs were in 2024 and what that means for us in 2025. One trend is the degree of change in job and department titles and functions. For instance the terms "OHS" & "HSE" are now out-dated, having been superceded by "HSW" as the current flavour of the month.
However, that is the least of the changes one needs to come to grips with. It was fascinating to hear Helen talk about impacts of AI on recruitment, such as the use of BOTS to weed out CVs into a shortlist and, subsequently, the decline in a more personal aspect of recruitment. Helen gave some great tips on how to manage this, including explaining the importance of a LinkedIn profile.
It was interesting to learn that January 2025 was not the quiet month as is traditional in Helen's field, so there is plenty to explore for those seeking new positions. One possible factor is that businesses are increasingly demanding workers return to the office, which could spark resignations.
We thank Helen for both her informative presentation and her generous sponsorship of our event venue, the Regus Yarra Room with its wonderful view from the top floor of 120 Collins Street.
Financial members can watch the full presentation on the CSG website. If you are looking for a new job check out www.hoktalentsolutions.com.au
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