Speaker: Greg Splatt
Construction safety during the boom
CSG committee member Greg Splatt finished off our year of meetings with a very engaging presentation on the 13th November.
He spoke about some of the challenges with the influx of new workers into the construction industry during the current boom. These include shortfalls with the ticketing/licensing regime where there is little verification of real skills. It is also hard for workers, who are essentially involved in a creative industry, to be engaged in a classroom situation to learn OHS. Greg outlined ways to improve SWMS to address this particular challenge.
Greg also spoke extensively about his experience with an insurance builder in the aftermath of Cyclone Debbie in Queensland. There are many lessons to be drawn from these experiences that can be applied to general construction such as: how to respond to the unplanned?...Plan! During debrief, the KISS principal is applied, but in this case it refers to talking about what to Keep, Improve, Start and Stop.
There was plenty of lively discussion around the table at the end of the presentation as we delved into the parallels between post-disaster management and construction generally.
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